Global South South Summit

May 21 to May 24

Patrick Tonui, Director Policy and Regional Strategy at GOGLA, will be facilitating the panel The role of enabling policies in building a sustainable PURE ecosystem” on 21 May at the Global South South Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Building on the PURE roadmap published in 2023 and endorsed by the Ministry of Water and Energy, the session aims to identify  policy measures and actions taken for promoting the Productive Use of Renewable Energy (PURE). Focusing on Ethiopia, but building on the lessons learnt from Uganda, Kenya, and India, the session will assess current policies and their effectiveness in fostering the productive use of renewable energy market in Ethiopia, identifying  constraints and challenges, opportunities and  gaps to scale PUIRE for accelerating sustainable inclusive development in Ethiopia. By bringing together experts and stakeholders, the session will generate insights and recommendations for policymakers to enhance policy frameworks and accelerate PURE initiatives to scale.

If you are a GOGLA member planning to attend the event, please don’t hesitate to reach out and stay tuned to our social media channels for the latest updates