Get unmatched discounts for events and expos
Maximize your industry presence with exclusive discounts at GOGLA events, including the flagship Global Off-Grid Solar Forum & Expo (GOGSFE) 2024. Benefits include:
- 25% discount on additional tickets and exhibition space.
- 60% discount on GOGSFE Expo only tickets.
- 20% discount on GOGSFE Sponsorship Packages.
Boost your business successes
Amplify your business profile via GOGLA’s communication channels. Showcase your organisation to development partners, investors and policymakers. GOGLA Members can:
- Share their success stories via our targeted communication campaigns and publications.
- Feature press releases and achievements in our Member Briefings (weekly), Newsletters and Social Media channels.
- Join forces with like-minded professionals in our Communications Group, to shape the sector narrative.
Access specialised business services
Get access to GOGLA’s range of Member-only knowledge products and services. Activities you can take advantage from in 2024, include:
- Access to ‘Bridge Live’ – a series of sessions to connect GOGLA Members with investors / funders to discuss specific initiatives and opportunities.
- Workshops and webinars on key topics, such as Credit Risk Management and Carbon Finance.
- Access to GOGLA’s Investment Platform.
- Access to GOGLA’s Sales and Impact Data Platform. *Conditions apply.
- Access to GOGLA’s Regional Representatives to get direct support and insights on national topics.
- Discounts on Business Services.
Member-only strategic engagements
Participate in exclusive closed-door sessions and working groups, where you can engage with investors, development partners and peers. Opportunities you can be part of include:
- GOGLA’s Annual General Meeting.
- Regional Networking drinks.
- GOGLA’s Working Groups, including those on finance, productive use, innovation, impact, and policy.
- CEO Roundtable Dinner (Tier 1 and 2 Members only).
Communications and Marketing Support
As the leading off-grid solar energy industry association and a respected partner to international institutions, we encourage GOGLA members to make full use of our large network and recognizable branding.
- Members are profiled on our website, and can list their services, mission, website, social media, and contact information.
- Our weekly member briefings are a perfect place to advertise your product or service directly to other companies (B2B).
- Members can work directly with a GOGLA team member to amplify their story with social media and long form content.