Solar Lights (Pty) Ltd

Image for Solar Lights (Pty) Ltd

Solar lights (Pty) Ltd sells renewable energy products such as Solar Home lights, Solar Security lights, Solar Power banks and Save80 stoves cooking set for households.


To be a customer-orientated manufacturer and retailer of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficient products and technologies to customers of all income groups with a view to contributing towards climate change mitigation and poverty alleviation.

Maseru, Lesotho, Southern Africa


Dipl.- Ing. Michael Hönes

Lesotho, Southern Africa

  1. Ability to reach last-mile communities with 30+ vehicles
  2. High-quality product range and local after-market services
  3. Recognized company brand in Lesotho
  4. 10-year CDM GS FT carbon project implementation
  5. Community-based distribution system
  6. Specialized accounting system for several payment methods
  7. International development partner experience EU, UN

By exposing our company and objectives to potential new partners with the same or similar objectives to match strengths and improve business and sales.