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Published: 21 September 2023

The Sindh Solar Energy Project (SSEP), through a soft loan from the World Bank, is in the midst of implementing Component 3 of the project which pertains to dissemination of 200,000 VeraSol verified Solar Home System (SHS) kits to eligible households in the Sindh province of Pakistan. The Kit specifications are as follows: ≥80 W solar panel, 18 Ah LFP battery along with charge controller, 3x LED bulbs mobile and phone charging facility packaged with DC fans and solar panel mounting frame. SSEP intends to adopt a “bulk procurement” model, whereby SHS kits shall be procured, imported, combined with other domestically supplied components, and then distributed to all districts in Sindh using a network of Last Mile Distributors (LMDs).

The Sindh Energy Department (SED) is delighted to announce that the procurement process has been initiated.

Please refer to the documents below for comprehensive guidelines on participating in the bidding process.

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