Access to Finance

The off-grid solar energy industry has emerged in recent years as an important sector bringing access to modern energy products and services to tens of millions of people. Collecting data and relevant, up-to-date resources to give a full picture of the investment climate and capital flows are crucial for the off-grid industry to continue to grow and mature. This Access to Finance hub collects relevant resources for both companies and investors, from sales data to updates about ongoing projects and upcoming relevant events.

Technical Assistance and Mentoring

As a partner to the new GET.invest Finance Readiness Support, GOGLA has launched ELEVATE, a pilot Investment Readiness Program and LEAN, the Leadership Advice Network.

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GOGLA Bridge

The GOGLA Bridge is a database for GOGLA members and the broader stand-alone solar product sector providing an overview of support services for incubating and accelerating the growth of off-grid solar companies


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